Promoting Girls’ & Women’s Football

The Sport Wellbeing Hub provides the right help right now, giving you instant access to a range of information, guidance and screening that is tailored specifically to help care for your individual wellbeing needs.

The Sports Wellbeing Hub is a free tool provided by Sport NI.

Access the Hub here:


Text-a-Nurse service has been launched to provide young people with a secure and confidential text messaging service to a school nurse for advice and support. The service is aimed at 11 to 19 year olds and will be delivered by the School Nursing Teams.

Phone numbers:

Belfast  Trust Text –A-Nurse : 07507 328290

Northern Trust: Text –A-Nurse 07480 635982

Southern Trust Text –A-Nurse  07507 328057

Western Trust Text –A-Nurse 07480 635984

South Eastern Trust Text –A-Nurse: 07507 327263

BBC Headroom – Your Mental Health Toolkit

Mindful Tips  ●  Mood Mixes  ●  Personal Stories  ●  Motivation

We know we can’t solve all your troubles, but we can give you tools to help. Whether it is everyday tips, sounds to relax your mindstrategies to cope with parenting right now or films to get you talking, we are here to help you look after yourself and your loved ones.

Visit the BBC Headroom here: