Club | MP | W | D | L | Pts | |
Greenisland Women II | 14 | 13 | 0 | 1 | 39 | |
Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II | 14 | 10 | 2 | 2 | 32 | |
Wellington Rec Women | 14 | 7 | 1 | 6 | 22 | |
Bloomfield FC Ladies(-3) | 14 | 7 | 1 | 6 | 19 | |
1st Bangor Ladies FC | 14 | 6 | 1 | 7 | 19 | |
Holywood Ladies FC | 14 | 5 | 0 | 9 | 15 | |
22nd Ladies II | 14 | 5 | 0 | 9 | 15 | |
Raceview Ladies Athletic | 14 | 0 | 1 | 13 | 1 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
14.08.2024 19:30 | Larne | Brookvale Park | Wellington Rec Women - 22nd Ladies II | 4:2 |
16.08.2024 19:30 | Larne | The Knowe | Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II - Bloomfield FC Ladies | 2:2 |
15.08.2024 19:30 | Bangor | Bangor Sportsplex | Holywood Ladies FC - Greenisland Women II | 3:6 |
16.08.2024 19:00 | Newtownards | The Drome | 1st Bangor Ladies FC - Raceview Ladies Athletic | 2:1 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
04.08.2024 14:00 | Belfast | Houston Park | Bloomfield FC Ladies - Holywood Ladies FC | 7:0 |
06.08.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Clarendon Sports Facility | 22nd Ladies II - Raceview Ladies Athletic | 10:2 |
07.08.2024 19:15 | Newtownards | The Drome | 1st Bangor Ladies FC - Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II | 0:4 |
09.08.2024 19:30 | Greenisland | Glenkeen Avenue 3G | Greenisland Women II - Wellington Rec Women | 6:0 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
31.07.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Houston Park | Bloomfield FC Ladies - 1st Bangor Ladies FC | 3:1 |
31.07.2024 19:30 | Larne | The Knowe | Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II - Greenisland Women II | 1:0 |
31.07.2024 19:30 | Larne | Brookvale Park | Wellington Rec Women - Raceview Ladies Athletic | 10:1 |
01.08.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Blanchflower Stadium | Holywood Ladies FC - 22nd Ladies II | 6:2 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
21.07.2024 13:00 | Holywood | Spafield Park | Holywood Ladies FC - Wellington Rec Women | 1:6 |
24.07.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Houston Park | Bloomfield FC Ladies - 22nd Ladies II | 4:0 |
26.07.2024 19:30 | Ballymena | Wakehurst Playing Fields | Raceview Ladies Athletic - Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II | 0:6 |
26.07.2024 19:30 | Greenisland | Glenkeen Avenue 3G | Greenisland Women II - 1st Bangor Ladies FC | 6:0 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
30.06.2024 14:00 | Belfast | Blanchflower Playing Fields - Grass | Bloomfield FC Ladies - Wellington Rec Women | 0:3* |
30.06.2024 14:00 | Larne | The Knowe | Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II - Holywood Ladies FC | 7:0 |
05.07.2024 19:30 | Newtownards | Londonderry Park | 1st Bangor Ladies FC - 22nd Ladies II | 7:2 |
03.07.2024 19:30 | Ballymena | Wakehurst Playing Fields | Greenisland Women II - Raceview Ladies Athletic | 15:0 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
23.06.2024 18:00 | Larne | Larne Academy of Sport 3G | Wellington Rec Women - Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II | 1:1 |
25.06.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Hammer Sports Complex | 22nd Ladies II - Greenisland Women II | 1:5 |
26.06.2024 19:30 | Ballymena | Wakehurst Playing Fields | Raceview Ladies Athletic - Bloomfield FC Ladies | 0:12 |
27.06.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Billy Neill Centre | Holywood Ladies FC - 1st Bangor Ladies FC | 2:4 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
18.06.2024 19:30 | Larne | The Knowe | Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II - 22nd Ladies II | 2:0 |
19.06.2024 19:30 | Larne | The Cliff | Wellington Rec Women - 1st Bangor Ladies FC | 10:1 |
19.06.2024 19:30 | Ballymena | Wakehurst Playing Fields | Raceview Ladies Athletic - Holywood Ladies FC | 1:4 |
21.06.2024 19:30 | Greenisland | Glenkeen Avenue 3G | Greenisland Women II - Bloomfield FC Ladies | 7:1 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
08.06.2024 12:00 | Larne | The Knowe | Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II - Wellington Rec Women | 3:3 |
12.06.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Blanchflower Playing Fields - grass | Bloomfield FC Ladies - Raceview Ladies Athletic | 4:1 |
14.06.2024 19:30 | Newtownards | Londonderry Park | 1st Bangor Ladies FC - Holywood Ladies FC | 5:4 |
14.06.2024 19:30 | Greenisland | Glenkeen Avenue 3G | Greenisland Women II - 22nd Ladies II | 4:3 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
29.05.2024 19:30 | Larne | The Knowe | Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II - 1st Bangor Ladies FC | 5:1 |
29.05.2024 19:30 | Larne | Dennis Harvey Park | Wellington Rec Women - Greenisland Women II | 2:7 |
29.05.2024 19:30 | Ballymena | Wakehurst Playing Fields | Raceview Ladies Athletic - 22nd Ladies II | 1:6 |
30.05.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Billy Neill Centre | Holywood Ladies FC - Bloomfield FC Ladies | 2:5 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
21.05.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Hammer Sports Complex | 22nd Ladies II - Holywood Ladies FC | 2:4 |
22.05.2024 19:30 | Ballymena | Wakehurst Playing Fields | Raceview Ladies Athletic - Wellington Rec Women | 2:3 |
24.05.2024 19:30 | Newtownards | Londonderry Park | 1st Bangor Ladies FC - Bloomfield FC Ladies | 4:2 |
24.05.2024 19:30 | Greenisland | Glenkeen Avenue 3G | Greenisland Women II - Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II | 4:0 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
14.05.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Clarendon Sports Facility | 22nd Ladies II - Bloomfield FC Ladies | 2:1 |
15.05.2024 19:30 | Larne | The Knowe | Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II - Raceview Ladies Athletic | 3:0 |
16.05.2024 19:30 | Larne | Dennis Harvey Park | Wellington Rec Women - Holywood Ladies FC | 3:4 |
17.05.2024 19:30 | Newtownards | Londonderry Park | 1st Bangor Ladies FC - Greenisland Women II | 0:10 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
08.05.2024 19:30 | Ballymena | Wakehurst Playing Fields | Raceview Ladies Athletic - Greenisland Women II | 0:4 |
08.05.2024 19:30 | Larne | Sandy Bay Playing Fields | Wellington Rec Women - Bloomfield FC Ladies | 1:5 |
09.05.2024 19:30 | Holywood | Spafield Park | Holywood Ladies FC - Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II | 0:7 |
07.05.2024 19:30 | Belfast | Clarendon Sports Facility | 22nd Ladies II - 1st Bangor Ladies FC | 5:1 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
28.04.2024 14:00 | Belfast | Houston Park | Bloomfield FC Ladies - Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II | 2:4 |
30.04.2024 19:15 | Belfast | Clarendon Sports Facility | 22nd Ladies II - Wellington Rec Women | 4:0 |
01.05.2024 19:15 | Ballymena | Wakehurst Playing Fields | Raceview Ladies Athletic - 1st Bangor Ladies FC | 4:4 |
03.05.2024 19:00 | Greenisland | Glenkeen Avenue | Greenisland Women II - Holywood Ladies FC | 13:0 |
Date/time | Place | Stadium | Match | Score |
21.04.2024 14:00 | Belfast | Houston Park | Bloomfield FC Ladies - Greenisland Women II | 0:3 |
21.04.2024 14:00 | Belfast | Clarendon Sports Facility | 22nd Ladies II - Carrick Rangers FC Falcons II | 2:3 |
21.04.2024 15:00 | Newtownards | Londonderry Park | 1st Bangor Ladies FC - Wellington Rec Women | 4:3 |
25.04.2024 19:15 | Crumlin | Crumlin Leisure Centre | Holywood Ladies FC - Raceview Ladies Athletic | 4:2 |
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